Friday, August 28, 2015

Stiltgrass is in bloom - The time to act is now!

The flower heads of Japanese stiltgrass are just opening up.
The weedy plants have just had a growth spurt
bringing some of them to nearly 4' tall.
I am in midst of a multi-year battle to get rid of, or at least control, the Japanese stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum, on our property.  Last year I came up with a plan to bring this invasive species under control.  The key element is to prevent this annual grass from setting seed.  Eventually (5-7 years) the seed bank will be depleted.  Also I am encouraging the existing native plant population to back fill the gaps to suppress re-invasion.

In late August stiltgrass goes into a growth spurt as the flower heads develop.  It is critical to cut it down or pull it out before seed set begins.  By killing the plant before the seeds can mature, you can dispose of the plants by composting.  Otherwise the plants would need to be segregated (e.g. bagged and sent to landfill) to prevent another generation of seed from spreading.  The taller stiltgrass is easier to find and pull than it is earlier in the season.  You should try to remove the plant close to the ground since it also produces a second hidden (cleistogamous) flower in the lower stem.

The following two photos show a moist shady area just before I removed the stiltgrass.

One year after close cutting stiltgrass in late August (2103) the growth is still rather dense.

After two years of cutting there appears to be more gaps in the stiltgrass converage.

In a couple of areas I was weed whacking and composting in place.  After 2 years of this I am seeing some minor decreases in the density of the stiltgrass coverage.  This year I raked the cut grass off and into a pile.  By removing the dense thatch I am hoping to seed some other species move in.  I have another large area where I will leave the cut grass in place.  We'll see if that makes a difference.

American germander blooms in late July and the seed is still maturing,
so I'd like to keep these standing a little longer.

One of my challenges is to remove the stiltgrass while leaving as much native vegetation in place.  Many of the earlier blooming natives, such as the beebalms (Monarda sp.) and tick trefoils (Desmodium sp.) have already gone to seed.  However, there are a number of later blooming species that I'm trying to preserve by carefully hand-pulling around them.  These include American germander, (Teucrium canadense), Virginia knotweed (Persicaria virginiana), white vervain (Verbena urticifolia), white avens (Geum canadense), and the native annual, clearweed (Pilea pumila).  While not beautiful plants on their own these species do fill the woodland edge with a variety of colors and textures largely obscured by the invasive stilt grass.

Clearweed is a fairly common native annual found in shady moist sites.
Currently in bloom, the flowers are yellow tassels in the leaf axils.

Here I'm halfway done with a section revealing some American germander (center).  To the left is my new grass whip.
I recently got a double edged grass whip which does a great job of ripping stiltgrass out of the ground while leaving single bladed grasses largely intact.

This low-growing sedge was hardly disturbed as the weed whip tore out the stiltgrass.

I am also finding a number of native grass species under and within the stiltgrass.  These include the evergreen, spreading sedge (Carex laciculmis) and deer-tongue grass (Dichanthelium clandestinum).


Trevor said...

Sounds a lot like our property. Just lost a bunch of ash trees. Happy to see sedges, American Germander, deer tongue, and clearweed popping up, but they get tangled up with stiltgrass by the end of the summer. Thanks for the tip about the grass whip. Curious to know how successful you’ve been since this post.

Curtis said...

Trevor, I've have done a continuing series of posts on stilt grass since this one in 2015. Key successes have been with the use of a preemergent herbicide to treat lawn areas and pulling plants prior to blooming in late July and August. Pulling seems most effective in shady areas where there are native species to fill in. The best native for displacing stilt grass, for me, has been golden ragwort, Packera aurea.

Good luck!

Lugh O' said...

Just starting on eradicating the stiltgrass and wild grape that's invaded my woodland acreage in S.E Ohio. It's August so it looks like the plants are getting ready to set seed. The timing is perfect since I spent the spring and summer grubbing out or spraying the invasive multiflora rose and Japanese barberry. Both of them prickly bastards for sure. Coincidentally I just carried the same type of weed cutter into the woods today before seeing this blog. I am identifying a number of natives such as rattlesnake plantain, st. johns cross, different ferns, and others but I am concerned once all the invasives are gone I won't be left with much. I am really enjoying identifying the diversity in my woodlands and encouraging its return to a native state.

Anonymous said...

Curtis, thanks for the helpful reply. I’ll checkout your other posts!

Mar Brill said...

This is my 2nd yr in the battle against stilt grass. I'm just now seeing the seedheads (mid-September -- seems late maybe because of our summer drought?) and carefully uprooting, disposing for landfill. It's fairly easy for me to untangle them from natives - in some cases releasing a good sized snake root.

My question is about golden ragwort, Packera aurea. I know, Curtis, you're in Maryland. But wondering about whether it would work in Northeast, Catskills, where I am. And whether there are other native syou think might be good to stave them off.

Curtis said...

Mar Brill, According to the USDA database there are two readily available species of groundsel that are found in your area. Golden groundsel, P aurea, prefers partly sunny moist situation, while round-leaf ragwort, P. obovata, can handle drier locations. I don't have any firsthand experience with P. obovata, though. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi. It's 2024 and I am just beginning to battle stilt grass that is invading a forest floor. It is not on my property and the owner does not want to use herbicide as their well is in the same area. I was wondering how the are you describe here has worked out. Could you please give an update?

Curtis said...

Now about 10 years into working on removing stiltgrass I am making progress. I've had the most success in lawn areas where I have been using a preemergent herbicide. In wooded areas where there are a lot of native species I have been reluctant to use something that would affect the return of natives from seed. Pulling up the plants in late summer has shown various levels of success. It has been very successful in dry shady areas after just a couple of years. (Maybe because that is less favorable for stiltgrass regrowth and a smaller seed bank???) In moist shady areas progress is much slower, but I am seeing an increase in native grasses, but still lots of stiltgrass. One factor I did not appreciate earlier is that stiltgrass roots at multiple nodes along its stem. If you don't get all of them up when you pull there is a possibility of regrowth. Also strategically, It's better to clear one smaller area completely than it is to do a large area halfway.

Anonymous said...

If I wait until stiltgrass has bloomed--as I did this year -- and then weed whack it and leave it, will the seeds be planted?

Anonymous said...

If you wait until it blooms and then weedwhack and leave it where it falls, does that result in planting seeds?
The bloom happened so suddenly and not at the same time across all areas I was monitoring.

Curtis said...

The unsatisfying answer is it depends. If it's early enough and the cut grass dies quickly you are probably OK. If fertilization has occurred and the cut grass stays moist it might (my guess) develop some seeds. When I weed whack or pull stiltgrass after seed heads appear, I try to remove the plants from the area and pile them in a 'quarantine pile'. Stiltgrass debris can form a dense enough layer on the ground that prevents other seeds (desirable ones) from germinating. this is important if you are trying to repopulate the area from seed (existing seed bank or planted seeds), So far my quarantine piles have not spawned very many stilgrass seedlings.