Friday, July 31, 2020

July 2020 What to do about Japanese Stiltgrass NOW

In late July through early August Japanese stiltgrass, Mircostegium vimineum, puts on a major growth spurt prior to blooming.  This presents an opportunity for removing a large amount of this invasive annual grass before it blooms and begins to set seed for the following years.  There are several methods that can be used now, which is best depends on the particular situation. 


Pulling  This is my method of choice in areas of mixed species. In late summer stiltgrass can grow to 3-4 feet tall.  At that height it is above many desirable plants and you don’t need to bend over too far to pull it out.  By using a loose grip and grabbing higher up on the plant mass I can selectively pull out the stiltgass and leave most perennial and more deeply rooted plants in place. By wiggling the grass side to side as I’m pulling the relatively weak roots are broken and the stems remain intact.  

Here stiltgrass and the native grass nimblewill, Muhlenbergia schreberi, are growing together.

Pulling the stiltgrass with a light touch leaves the well rooted nimblewill in place.

I usually leave the piles of stiltgrass to dry out in the sun for a couple of days before disposing of it.  If the grass is not setting seed I’ll put it in a brush pile or in a segregated location where it can break down but will not accidentally be spread elsewhere.  If the grass has bloomed it will need to be bagged or put into an isolated location where the seed cannot escape.  This is the number one reason for pulling before bloom!

This is a woodland area where I have been pulling stiltgrass of 2-3 years. 
Though it looks dense there are not that many individual plants.


After 20 minutes of pulling I was able to clear this area of stiltgrass. 
What remains is a ground cover of mostly rosy sedge, Carex rosea.

Low Mowing  Mowing as close to the ground as possible in late summer (just before bloom) is a common recommendation for combating stiltgrass.  This prevents blooming and seed set in the upper stems.  Unfortunately stiltgass will also set seed in the stem at the base of the plant, 1-2 inches above ground level.  These cleistigamous flowers are difficult to remove without cutting really close to the ground.   If you wait too long to mow, after seeds begin to develop, mowing may only serve to spread seed unless you have a well fitting grass catcher on your mower.  ( In that case you should dispose to the clippings in a way that the seed will not escape into the environment.)  These extra flowers make stiltgrass very difficult to remove from turf areas.

Late summer mowing had been used in this area for 2-3 years.  Here it is in 2017. 
There is a lower density of stiltgrass, but still a lot.

I’ve been trying to remove stiltgrass solely by timed mowing in one area but have made only minor progress over 3-4 years.  What I have found to be most effective in lawns is to use a pre-emergent herbicide, marketed for crabgrass, in early spring.

Here is the area in 2020.  In addition to late mowing I treated this area with the
preemergent herbicide Dimension.  Above the line has been treated for
two consecutive years, below the line only once in spring 2020.


Weed whacking  Using a weed whacker can be effective where you can selectively cut down to ground level to remove those stem flowers. It can get tedious if you are trying to preserve desirable plants intermixed with stiltgrass.  You can leave the cut stems in place if the grass has not begun to bloom, but if it has you should consider raking out the debris.  (If plants are beginning to set seed weed whacking will likely spread more seed than doing nothing.)

I had good success in a woodland edge area using this method.  Starting out, the area was nearly a monoculture of stiltgrass so I did not have to be too careful.  In the second and third years I also raked out the cut stems.  I have also seeded the area with Virginia wild rye, Elymus virginicus, a shade tolerant native grass.  Now six years later I can manage that area with just a little pulling. 


Fire  Because stiltgrass is a weakly rooted annual burning at ground level can be an effective means for killing it.  I have been experimenting with burning stiltgrass at various times during the year.  Burning in early and mid spring reduces the amount of stiltgrass seedlings but does not eliminate its presence.  This is in part due to the extended time over which stiltgrass can germinate in the spring.  Burning in late spring seems to thin out the amount of stiltgrass but can also reduce the amount of desirable vegetation.  In one spot where I did a mid-spring burn the area was overgrown with stiltgrass by the end of July.  On removing that stiltgrass there were very few other plants growing there. 

This is a small area of lawn dense with stiltgrass that I burned with a garden torch
two days ago.  It's not necessary to consume the entire green plant with fire,
just burn the roots at the soil surface.  Perennial grasses should
bounce back in a week or two.

In this area I pulled most of the stiltgrass then used the torch to burn the surface
to kill any remaining vegetation.  I was then able to immediately plant several
plugs of switch grass, Panicum virgatum.

Where burning has proved very effective is in hard to reach areas where clear ground is desired, such as pathways and fencelines.  Burning stiltgrass is particularly effective in late summer. In lawns with cool season grasses you can burn areas infested with stiltgrass with a garden torch.  The cool season grasses are dormant because of the hot weather and dry conditions.  As the weather cools in September the clumps of cool season perennial grasses will resprout, without the presence of stiltgrass.

Here is the garden torch in action, burning the roots of some 3 foot tall stiltgrass. 
I can stick the torch through the openings in the fence the get to hard to reach areas.

It is interesting to note that heat is conducted better in slightly moist soil than in dry. While burning stiltgrass leaves no chemical residues you must use great caution to keep flames under control and not allow any fire to spread out of control.  There may also be local rules to follow.  

Herbicide   While I have had very good results from using preemergent herbicides in early spring to get stiltgrass out of the lawn, I have not had personal experience using postemergence herbicides to control Japanese stiltgrass.  Based on information provided by a number of university agricultural extensions there are several herbicides that can be used in summer time (up to the onset of flowering)  to control stiltgrass.  Low levels of the broad spectrum herbicide glyphosate, about half the normal concentration, are reported to be effective against Japanese stiltgrass.  Glufossinate is another broad spectrum herbicide that is effective against stiltgrass. 

I pulled this from the Rutgers Cooperative Extension (NJ) site:

Glyphosate and Glufossinate (various trade names) can be used to spot treat Japanese stiltgrass in gardens and planting beds. Both are broad spectrum herbicides that should be applied only to the unwanted plants. If applied to the foliage, stems, or woody portions of desirable plants, it could damage them as well.

Sethoxydim (tradename Bonide Grass Beater Over-the-Top Grass Killer®) and Fluazifop-P-Butyl (Ortho Grass B Gon Garden Grass Killer®) are selective herbicides that can be applied to growing stiltgrass in landscape beds. When used according to the label, these herbicides will not damage most non-grass ornamental plants. Be sure to follow the label closely and heed all precautions.

According to the labels on the Bionide and Ortho products these products are not effective on sedges.  That is a good feature for use in woodland edge habitats since native sedges are a major component of the ground covers growing there.  I not sure if that means that those, mostly desirable species would be unharmed, or, just not killed at a high rate.  I noticed that the label on the Bionide product indicated that it could be used safely on lawn with red and Chewings fescue.

Here is another example of the effectiveness of a preemergent herbicide. 
To the left of the line I applied dithiopyr (Dimension) in mid-March,
to the right is untreated.  

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Getting More Fruits

Sassafras blooms in the first part of spring. 
This photo was taken on April 12th.

I have been planting more native trees and shrubs with the goal of increasing the amount of food available for birds.  Particularly fruits that are available in fall and winter.  In many cases these plants are dioecious. That is, an individual plant of the species is either male or female.  To get berries you need at least one male to fertilize the female flowers.  Sometimes getting male and female plants is easier when you are buying cultivars.  It is often documented somewhere (but not always) if a cultivar is male or female.  When buying seed-grown natives it is difficult to tell unless they happen to be in bloom when you are shopping.  If plants are not in bloom the recommended approach is to get 5 random plants so that there will be a good chance that you will get at least one of each.

This year I have spotted some firsts in my campaign to produce more native berries.  The first success that I noted was that my newly planted sassafras tree, Sassafras albidum, was a female [note structure of female flower].  There is a number of wild sassafras in the area, but the flowers are way up in the tree so I have not been able to distinguish their gender.  About a month after blooming I noted that there were a couple of berries forming.  They are green right now, but will turn dark blue when ripe.
Female flowers have 6 sterile stamen (staminodia) surrounding
a central pistil.  Male flowers have 9 stamen.
Here at the beginning of July you can see the green berries.  When ripe these berries
will turn dark blue and the pedicels will turn red.

The second species I spotted with fruit forming was persimmon, Diospyros virginiana.  There has been male tree on the property for some time.  I don’t know if it’s wild or was planted by the previous owners.  When I moved 7 years ago I planted a number of native persimmons all of unknown gender.  To improve the chances that I had at least one female I planted 6 new plants.  Last year one of them bloomed that proved to be a male.  This year two additional trees bloomed, both of which were female.  Shortly after the flower petals fell off I noticed that two of the female flowers had swollen ovaries.  Now I can hope that they survive long enough to ripen.  I may need to build a little fence around them to keep the deer away.  
Female flowers are usually solitary and have 8 sterile anthers around the pistil.
 On male trees flowers are clustered and are typically packed with 16 anthers.

About a month later this persimmon is developing. 
Green now it will turn orange when it ripens in the fall.

Another recently planted native tree that is now showing some berries is fringe tree, Chionanthus virginicus.  Fortunately these bloomed the second year after planting.  The first three of these I planted either appeared to be females or had not bloomed after two years.  The following year in early June I was in a native plant nursery when these were in bloom.   I was able to identify one specimen as a male (paddle-shaped anthers in throat of flower) and bring it home for the girls.  Now 4 years later I’ve spotted the first berries on the fringe trees.  Like with the sassafras these start out green then turn dark blue when ripe. 
This green berry on the fringe tree will turn dark blue when it ripens in early fall.

Two years ago I replaced some invasive leatherleaf mahonia, Mahonia bealii, with some inkberries, Ilex glabra.  I wasn’t able to get a male cultivar locally.  I found a suggestion on the internet that other hollies could fertilize inkberries.  To try this I planted an early blooming winterberry holly, Ilex verticillata ‘Jim Dandy’ nearby.  After planting my collection of inkberries including the ‘Nigra’ and ‘Shamrock’ cultivars I took a close look at the flowers.  While the flowers on ‘Nigra’ were exclusively female, ‘Shamrock’ appeared to have both male and female flowers.  Unfortunately this year I forgot to take a close look at these flowers to confirm my earlier observations.  I can say that this year I am seeing a lot of berries developing on the ‘Nigra’ plants, as well as on a single wild-type plant.  The ‘Shamrock’ cultivars bloomed this year but are lacking berries.  They had a lot of berries in their first year here.  
This female flower has a large central ovary surrounded by six sterile stamen. 
In male flowers these stamen will have yellow pollen on the anthers.

Also on the holly front, this year I added another winterberry holly, ‘Winterred.’  This is a later blooming female.  Its blooming cycle is perfectly timed with the male, ‘Southern Gentleman.’  While it was still in its pot I placed the ‘Winterred’ next to the ‘Southern Gentleman’ until the blooming period was nearly completed.  This should ensure some berries as long as it doesn’t get stressed too much from being planted out in late June.

Some other species that are not dioecious have mechanisms that encourage cross pollination. This ranges from clever flower construction that prevents self-pollination, to offset timing of pollen release and receptivity, to outright rejection of pollen with the same genetic material as the ovary.  To encourage fruit and seed production you should have at least two genetically distinct individuals within pollination range. 

This is what I’m thinking about my single American plum, Prunus americana.   Despite several years of impressive blooming I have not seen any fruits on this tree.  I don’t know how long these need to mature before they are ready to bear fruit.  To help with cross pollination I’ve planted several bare root American plums in the area but I think it will be a few more years before these begin to bloom.

Another fruit-bearing native that has appeared on my property is black raspberry.  I’d like to think that these have been encouraged by the removal/reduction of invasives like Japanese stiltgrass, wineberry and garlic mustard.
Black raspberry has round stems and first year canes are glaucous. 
Flowering occurs in mid-May

The black fruits ripen around the end of June and have a distinctive sweet flavor. 
These ripen a week or two before the wild blackberries, which are much tarter.